Well, just as I suspected, it is now Noon:30 and there has been no word from the folks that have tried unsuccessfully for the last two days to install the wind turbine. I knew all along that they had no more any intention of coming back today than they could put a wind turbine on the moon, and they were just pulling my chain (much like the French tried against Nazi Germany a lifetime ago). So, there are just some things that we have no control over, and I cannot help it that some folks find it easier to mislead people than to be honest and forthright with them. Whatever...
So far today, I have moved cattle to the other pasture, and they were all pretty excited to go except for Mr. Speckles...he thought it was great fun for me to try coaxing him into the other pasture. It actually took about 20 minutes for me to get him moved, but after that he was happy. He has even done his 'this is my pasture' routine for the benefit of the neighbor's bull, who is wholly un-impressed with his amateur theatrics. I wonder where he gets that from? Oh well, we shall wait and see...
Jody and I went into Bartlett this morning to vote on the School propositions, and that was fun, it was our first time to be able to vote since we moved to Williamson County. There were only two things on the ballot (we cannot vote in the city elections) and I only voted for one of the two. If I have no idea about any of the ballot measures, I just do not vote for that at all. I would rather not vote than to vote and later find out I should have voted the other way. So, I just don't vote if I am not certain of how I want it to go.
ALSO, our friend Michael is still with us, and he did a lot of gardening yesterday, and came close to cutting his finger off they some gardening shears...he showed me the spots of blood on the porch to remember him by. AND, we have gotten everything ready (almost) for our annual party which is today. All we need to do is run to the store and get several bags of ice. We usually have a party around the Fourth of July, but we changed it to a spring time party this year, hoping it would be cooler (the nuclear weather station currently shows the temperature to be 86 degrees) and the flowers around the property would be blooming. Well, I do not think it is going to be particularly cool today, and most of the flowers are between blooms, so we will see how it goes. We are thinking this will be the last year for the big party, and we think we may just do a few more intimate get-togethers in the future. We kind of feel that the tradition has run its' course. We shall see...
Okay, well I was somewhat wrong about the people installing the wind turbines...they did not show up today to complete the installation,but they did call at about 12:55 PM this afternoon to let us know that they were not coming...actually they said they did not know if they were coming or not, but that they somewhat doubted it. Go figure... Anyway, they said they would be here bright and early Monday morning, which I think means sometime after 2 PM. Whatever...
Okay, time for me to go beddy-bye. I hope you did lots of good deeds today, and there will be plenty of time for even more tomorrow. HAVE FUN!
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