Okay, I thought about doing the last twenty-four hours in photos, but I thought that would be somewhat cheesy, so I will just include a few photos in this entry. Last night after I posted my entry, Jody and I were sitting out on the patio enjoying ourselves, and there was a familiar yet unfamiliar sound coming closer and closer. Months ago you may remember that I had written about these hang-glider type of kit-built experimental (?) aircraft that I had seen flying around the house and lots of them in Taylor. Well, there was one last night, and I think for a minute he was going to land at our neighbors (he used to have a plane and he has a grassy runway) but I think he just barely touched-down and then he was off again. Interesting things go on out here in the country, you never quite know what to expect.
Jody made blueberry pancakes for breakfast this morning, and they are always yummy. We pretty much got off to another slow start. There were quite a few things on my 'to-do' list, and unfortunately, not all of them will be completed by the end of the day.
We left the house at 9:30 AM and headed into Georgetown with another load of stuff to put in the resale space we rented. It is very interesting what stuff sells and what kinds of people visit that little shop. This morning, there was a single Latino man, two gentlemen of Oriental descent who spoke little English, a lonely grandmother full of stories about her grandchild, and a couple late middle aged women. And we were only there for about an hour or so.
After that, we headed in to Austin to take some more cardboard boxes to the recycle center. On the way home, we wanted to stop at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and we found out there is not one in Georgetown. I thought there was one in EVERY town, but not in Georgetown. So, we went to Chich-Fil-A for lunch, and then to the DQ for Blizzards! Why do they always turn the Blizzards upside down when they serve them to you? Beats me.
We got home, and I went out and laid in the pool while Jody took a nap. Our intentions are to watch Jeopardy, then two or three sets of news, and then maybe (MAYBE) have something for dinner, although neither of us are hungry. After all that, I will hopefully go out and work on one of the arbors where the morning glories are climbing. I hope I can get that done today, if so, that will be pretty much everything on my list for this weekend.
Go do a good deed for someone, and have fun while you are doing it!
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