I taught a class today at the Board of REALTORS, and it was a pretty good class overall, but there were a couple hiccups along the way. I don't think there were any major issues but there was a lot of information to cover and it was only a six hour class. My style generally runs along the lines of giving 'real world' examples of situations that are expressed in the class work, and there was just not enough time to do that. I really felt like I was just lecturing all day long, and I don't really like to do that. On the other side of the situation, it was the first time I have instructed the class, and the timing was good. The breaks were all timed pretty well, lunch happened right in line with the instruction, and the class ended on time, and no body got hurt in the process. Perfection!
Today is our anniversary, and in addition to the metal sculptures that I am giving Jody in honor of the occasion, I gave him a belt and buckle, the buckle is of our cattle brand, and it looks really nice. I will take a photo at some point so you can see what it looks like. I found out this afternoon that Jody is getting me a flag pole for the house...I just love flying the American and Texas Flags, and Jody is getting me a 25' flag pole with 'weather and wind resistant' flags...the Texas flag will be somewhat smaller than the American flag, and will always be flown following proper flag etiquette. I did not grow up in Texas, but I imagine that drawing the Texas flag with crayons in first grade would have been an easy thing to do...not necessarily the case with other state flags that no first grader could ever draw. I tell my real estate clients moving to Texas that being a Texas citizen is kind of like being in a club (okay a really big club), and that you can just feel the pride of living in Texas. I was not born in Texas but I got here as quickly as I could!
We are staying home for dinner tonight, we may go out tomorrow night or one day over the weekend. Just going to be a nice quiet evening at home. The heat continues, and for all you fathers out there, the first day of summer begins early in the morning of your special day. Enjoy!
Tomorrow I will need to be in the office early, I have a 10 AM appointment, and I have to be back home by 1 PM to meet the guys from Dallas that are coming to service the wind generators. We shall see if I am validated about my 'not balanced' issue, or they are going to try and continue telling me that everything is just fine. Even my neighbors can see the same issues that I am seeing, and they are watching from afar. Come on, just get the one generator fixed, and put me out of my misery. I will let you know how it all turns out.
Okay, time to finish this entry. Have a good rest of your day, and take an inventory of the good deeds you have done for others this week. It is not that difficult to make someone elses day, even a well deserved thank you is sometimes sufficient. Just the mere acknowledgement that someone exists and a thank you for doing a good job for you can mean the difference in someone having a good day or a bad day. HAVE FUN!
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