This was the exterior temperature reading in my car on the way home yesterday afternoon, and it is supposed to be warmer this afternoon. By the time I made it home and away from the 'heat island' that is central Texas, it had cooled down to a balmy 97 degrees. It is amazing how much difference the temperature can be when you are not surrounded by asphalt, cars and pavement. Just one more reason that we are happy to be where we are out in the country.
Okay, so this seems like it will be the new song and dance on this diary for the foreseeable future...IS IT HOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? My car thermometer said 106 degrees on the way home, I passed a bank time/temperature thing that said 108 degrees, and the nuclear clock thing in the house reported an outside temperature of 106.8 degrees (on both of them, we have two). My theory about this area being consistently cooler than the Austin metro area has taken a beating today. Here, we do not get the Austin news channels, our local television stations are Waco, Temple and Killeen. They reported a high temperature today of 106 degrees, so that gives me some validation that our weather station outside the house is pretty accurate. DAMN!
But, now I am home, and getting ready for dinner, then after that a dip in the hot tub (okay, really the pool, but it is warm), and that always makes things feel better. Once the sun gets somewhat lower in the sky, it will begin to cool off nicely, and all will be right with the world once again.
Stay as cool as you can, drink plenty of fluids, and try to be kind to someone in need of the help you can provide them, no matter how small. You are always welcome to go along with me tomorrow when I deliver my meals-on-wheels route. It will put a warm feeling in your heart. Have Fun!
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