Today was a short day in the office, I needed to be back at the house at 1 PM to meet the wind generator folks (turned out to be one person) to 'balance' one of the the generators. What I was expecting to happen is not what materialized, so I am not sure who is having the communication issues, me or them. Of course I think it is them, but I am willing to meet them in the middle. Anyway, he was here for a total of 30 minutes, 20 minutes of which he sat in his car talking on the phone. He never did shut off his car, it just sat idling in the pasture the whole time. AND I was fresh from having taught a Green Real Estate class, so I had some issues with that, PLUS the fact that the guy is servicing a wind generator, so he should be a little bit more into the environmental movement, which means you SHUT THE CAR OFF while you are out in the middle of a pasture. Okay, take a deep breath and continue...
Dinner tonight: A lovely casserole that Jody made, the ingredients included artichoke hearts, spinach, mushrooms, onions, cream of mushroom soup and some other things...with some crunchy stuff on the top. It was delicious! Along with a nice salad and some squash, it was very tasty! Jody is a great cook.
I am off to some listing appointments tomorrow, I need to leave here at about 10 AM to make it into Austin for my 11 AM appointment. Hope to be back here at least by 2 PM. Will also try to sleep in a little bit tomorrow morning. The metal sculptor (Luke) is supposed to deliver the sculptures tomorrow morning at about 8 AM, so that should give us plenty of time to take care of all that stuff.
Now it is time to go and jump into the pool, and cool off a little bit. Have a wonderful weekend, and remember to to a good deed for someone. HAVE FUN!
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