Well, the day started out rather badly, our hired man (Miguel) had other work to get done, so he did not make it out here today. We have LOTS of stuff that needs to be done, and he was scheduled to do it, but life happens. That means that the cattle were not moved to the other pasture today, so I will do that in the morning. I needed Miguel to work on the two water troughs in the pasture that we are moving the cattle to, and since that did not get done, I will need to do that first thing in the morning and then move the cattle. If I did not have appointments today, I could have worked on the troughs this morning, but I am not going to do it in 100 degree heat and full sun. That is why you need to do things in the morning when it is REALLY REALLY HOT. That is just one of the lessons you learn on a farm.

BUT, one really excellent thing did happen today! The wonderful metal sculptor (Luke) was here bright and early and delivered Jody's anniversary gifts, and these three photos are the testament to that delivery. AND when I was uploading the photos, I screwed it up, and had to start over, AND when you live in the country, you don't have High Speed Internet, you have Farm Boy Internet, which means, it takes a long time to do some things...so, I am being very careful not to mess it up again. ANYWAY, Jody was truly delighted with the sculptures, and we think they look wonderful as parts of the landscaping. We hope you do to, and if you are ever in the market for some nice rusty stuff, let me know and I can hook you up with Luke. He is a very nice man, and he loves his art, and he is a true artist. I really need to ask him what he does for a living, I think he must also have a real job.

So, after Luke brought the sculptures, I headed out for my 11 AM appointment, and it was good, except I had expected that the listing would be signed this morning, but he said he needed to talk with his wife about it. It is a leasing and property management deal, so I may hear back from him tomorrow or Monday. He is leaving town tomorrow afternoon, so I expect he needs to make a decision relatively soon.
On the way back from the appointment, I stopped at Lowe's to pick up some stuff for the house. Jody and I had already decided, he was going his way and I was going my way, so I went to Lowe's, the resale place (to pick up our check for merchandise sold), HEB to see if they had any chocolate donuts (they didn't) and to Tractor Supply to get some other stuff. ANYWAY, at Lowe's I had a few things on my list; a new water filter for the kitchen sink (PUR) and a ceiling fan for the breakfast area. The ceiling in that room is kind of high, so I decided I needed an extension for the fan, but I did not know how long of one I needed to get, so I got a two foot one and a three foot one. THEY WERE BOTH TOO LONG, so I headed back out (50 mile round trip) to exchange those, and finally got the ceiling fan and the light kit installed and it looks very nice.
After that, we had dinner, and Jody is already out at the pool, waiting for me to finish this entry. So, have a nice rest of the day. Tomorrow is Father's Day, so I hope all you fathers out there enjoy your day. I will spend some time thinking about my father who died in 1968...41 years ago! That seems both like a long time ago, and just like it was yesterday.
Do your good deeds for someone, and remember to HAVE FUN!
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