A relatively good day at the office, and I sometimes amaze myself at the amount of work that I can get accomplished when I just 'put my head down' and get to it. Power Real Estate! I really like to have an empty e-mail in-box, but that is becoming more and more difficult to accomplish. It seems I can always put something off to another time. Somethings I just don't like dealing with, and so I don't!
I showed a couple houses today, and put another house on the lease market this afternoon. I also stopped by the Toyota dealership to find a new (although temporary) service person for my car. My regular service person, Sally, is out for probably another month or two with some kind of knee problems, so I will need service in about two or three weeks, and just wanted to be prepared.
Jody and I went into Bartlett to look at the Bartlett National Bank building that is for sale there in the downtown area. I was truly disappointed. The floorspace is not conducive to anything that I would like to use it for, and the two upstairs rooms that give the building another six hundred square feet of space are not usable. The space upstairs was usable at one time, but modernization of the building makes it worthless at this time. That is where the ran all the HVAC stuff, and it will not work for my purposes. Oh well, the search continues. I would like to buy some commercial space in one of these little towns around here, just to have it as an investment. We shall see...
My business partner Carrie was in the office today, and she is feeling better after her oral surgery. She is not puffy or anything, but still is under doctors orders, and cannot eat any solid food for about another five days. Drugs and scotch, a great combination! Yippee!
I began preparing for my classes next week, two of which I have already taught in the past. I will be teaching another Green class (the Residential Elective class) in two weeks, and I have not taught that one before, so I am working to get prepared for that. I am feeling good about all the classes, I will be well prepared, and I have the previous experience of the last Green Designation class under my belt, so I can learn from the comments the last students made about the course. Overall, I am looking forward to the classes. The last time I taught the Green Designation course, I had a fever of 102 degrees for both days and had laryngitis. Not great, although I could have done worse. Anything will be better this time!
I am looking forward to the weekend, although I already know that our hired man will not be here again, and I have lots of work that I am wanting him to do. Oh well, that is what happens. This makes three times he has been scheduled, and not made it. The work will still be here when he gets around to doing it, I would just really like to get it done.
Tomorrow is a property management meeting in the morning, and Meals-On-Wheels in the late morning, than my afternoon is relatively open. That will give me more time to get more work done, and that is a good thing. I like getting caught up and being prepared.
It is almost time for dinner,a and I am ALWAYS looking forward to that. I hope you are doing well in the good deed department, and that you are feeling good about yourself for doing it. Have Fun! Namaste!
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