Funniest comment about the heat I have heard in the last twenty four hours: "IT IS HOTTER THAN A NEW BRIDE IN A FEATHER BED" I lifted that straight off FaceBook, courtesy of my friend Paul. It seems you cannot go five minutes without listening to or making some kind of comment about the heat, which, in all honesty, is getting freaking unbearable.
I did my meals-on-wheels route today, and I only had five clients (down from a high of 11) so that was not too bad, plus it was a little bit earlier. The good news is the the state wide electrical grid is supposed to have plenty of generation capabilities, and they are saying there should be no need for brown-outs. It will be crazy if that starts up already. One issue after another.
Property Management meeting in just a little while, and I have a 3 PM appointment.
PM meeting was good, lots of stuff happening, and the office is very busy. I prepared for my 3 PM appointment this morning, so all I had to do was pick up my stuff and go. I hate being late, so I was there about 15 minutes early, and it was almost TOO HOT to sit on the front porch playing solitaire on my cell phone, but the client (June) showed up early as well. A wonderful lady with a wonderful property in a very desirable neighborhood in old west Austin. We were together for almost an hour-and-a-half, and I got the property listed for lease, and life will be good. Thank you to my good friend (and client) Ann for referring the piece of business to me. Very very nice!
On the way home, I heard that Michael Jackson was taken to a hospital in California, and simultaneously heard that TMZ was reporting that he had died. Kind of hard to believe, but life is precious and you never know when everything will be taken away from you.
Try to live every day as if it will be your last. Tell everyone you care about just how much you care about them every time you see or speak with them. You never know!
The pool was VERY WARM last night, and I expect it will not be cooler this evening. It is very warm here, record breaking heat all across this part of Texas, and that is truly saying something. Our nuclear weather stations at the house are reporting 107.7 on both stations, so it is really hot. Too hot...but I have been singing that song for a long time now.
Enjoy yourself, have fun, be kind to someone who is not expecting it of you, and you will be rewarded for the kindnesses you have shown. Trust me!
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