I had the possibility of a working with a couple clients today, and for one reason or another, it is not working out. SO, I am working with both sets of clients tomorrow, THE FOURTH OF JULY, beginning at 10 AM, and hopefully I will be done by 1 PM, and I will then go home and have a Holiday and continue it on through Sunday. You know, you gotta do what you gotta do! See: Make Hay While the Sun Shines!
On my way home from Austin, I did a few errands; got gas, stopped at the bank and stopped at Tractor Supply. As I was getting back on the Interstate in Georgetown, I realized I needed to pay the July rent for the resale shop, but I decided to go on home, and see if Jody wanted to go back with me later in the afternoon. Once I got home, Jody had a surprise for me in the fruti bowl...more chocolate covered donuts! He needs to read this diary more often! I think we have enough donuts to last us for a while!
The nuclear weather stations is reporting the temperature to be a balmy 99 degrees right now, cooler than it has been in days, but I have no fear that we will break the century mark. It will happen, just give it time. HOpefully it will be an early night tonight, I think a nice dip in the pool will be in order. We are experiencing a nice southerly breeze, too, better than we have in days. The flags are totally unfurled on the pole (see tomorrow's entry for photographic proof) and the wind turbines are out there spinning their little hearts out. Life is good in central Texas.
Be kind to someone who is in need of a kind deed. Share your cool cantoloupe with them, or maybe you could even buy them an ice cream cone. You will be surprised how much better it will make you both feel. Have Fun!
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