Today was a pretty good day, in part because it is Friday, and I have no appointments for the weekend so far. Life is good. None of the service people we had scheduled for today actually showed up, but we became aware of that by 9 AM, so the whole day was not wasted. One of the guys is actually in the hospital, so we will have to forgive that one, and the other one needs to order some parts, so that will have to be forgiven as well. But, by this time next year, the house should be in really good shape. Keep your fingers crossed.
When we had the original farm in Red Rock, I used to tell Jody that the farm was my was what I wanted to spend money on, and keep me occupied. Now that this farm is bigger and we have more land and more cattle, I told Jody this place was my Heroin. I imagine heroin is more expensive than cocaine, but if you are an expert on the cost of drugs and I am wrong, you can correct me and I will be sure to give you proper credit. Anyway, we shall eventually get rain, and we will all do a little happy dance. Right now, we will all just be settling for cooler weather which they are predicting to begin tomorrow and continue through next week.
Not too sure what we will be doing over the weekend, I expect I will be showing some property before it is all over with. I also brought home some work to do on the courses I will be teaching at the beginning of August. I started working on it this afternoon in the office, and it looks like I will be able to get everything under control with no real issues, and the subjects are interesting and things that I am very comfortable with. So, we shall see, but I have faith.
Traffic was HORRIBLE on the expressway coming home today, so even though I left the office early, it took me a long time to get home. I have been craving ice cream (Blue Bell Vanilla Fudge Swirl, please and thank you), but you can hardly transport that home when you live too far away from a convenient shopping spot. SO, I stopped at the Walburg Restaurant just not far from the house, and picked up two pieces of Black Forest Cake for dessert tonight, so there you have it. Oh, and this morning I stopped at Flipnotics and picked up a couple cinnamon rolls from Upper Crust Bakery for breakfast tomorrow. I feel pretty much set for the sweet stuff for this weekend.
Do something nice for someone, and try to be thankful for all the blessings that you have. I am such a lucky person, it is hard to comprehend that people all over the world are full of hatred for people the do not even know. Remember, fear is something that manifests itself from a lack of knowledge. Get to know people a little bit better, and hopefully we will lose our fear of them.
Have Fun!
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