I had an appointment at the house this morning at 8 AM with the pest control folks. Hopefully we will eliminate the mice that have plagued us since we have lived in the house. They could live there happily if they could just not be destructive and not let us EVER see them...but no, they have to get pushy and come out while we are around, and let us hear them chewing stuff behind the walls and under the cabinets. SO, soon (we hope) we will be rid of them. I told the man (Martin) that we did not want to indiscriminately kill every insect within a five mile radius of the house, and I think he understood. I want to keep as many of the good bugs as we possibly can, but we want to shooo away the wasps and things like that. We don't really want to dislodge the snakes either, all the critters have a job to do. They will be back on Saturday morning to treat everything and hopefully find any access points they may have to get into the attic. We shall see...
When I got to the office this morning, the building was being power washed in preparation for painting. THEY WERE MAKING A LOT OF NOISE TOO. How can power washing make that much racket. Tom said he was getting a migraine, but I assured him it would stop soon. They have now started again, but luckily Tom is out walking properties.
I sent the first module of the NARPM Ethics PowerPoint to one of the national officers and someone in the National Office for review. I think it will be well received, just a very simple course to give the program some consistency for all the States and Chapters. Not rocket science. The national officer sent me an e-mail that said she would 'try' to give me a call today at about noon eastern time...I sent her an e-mail back that said I would 'try' top be in the office then to take her call. I am not sure if she got the humor (I thought it was humorous) or not. Probably not! That is what usually happens.
I am getting kind of hungry, time for lunch...Okay, I am back. I had to stop by the bank, and then I stopped at What-A-Burger and took it back to the office. Still getting work done, preparing to flip properties this weekend and early next week. Tom and I went to one of our new managed properties and did a walk through, all is in good shape. It will have new tenants on the first. Lots of move-ins this week and next, and we have security deposits to process by the end of this week as well.
Almost done with the first day of class preparation for next week. Should have that all done tonight and get started on the second day, I am still VERY comfortable with the class materials, and expect them both to be good classes. The training we received from the Texas Association of REALTORS when the classes were re-worked has been very helpful (thanks Deb). I took copious notes during the training as well, so that is being very helpful, too.
There was a little bit of excitement at the end of the day in the office, and I will let you know all about that in a couple weeks. How is that for a cliffhanger? Just you wait and see.
BIG WRECK on the interstate going home this afternoon, so the first 30 minutes of the otherwise first 10 minutes of the drive was kind of difficult. Smooth sailing after that. Now I am home, and getting ready for dinner. The local news reports there is no rain in sight, and we even made the national news tonight, and they said we could expect above average precipitation in the fall. They showed REALLY SKINNY cattle in south Texas being sold off, the prices of beef, cotton and other stuff we produce here in Texas is on the way up. I suggest you stock up now!
Be kind to someone, and do something nice for yourself. Have Fun!
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