I DID NOT sleep very well last night, and I got up at my usual time this morning. I read the paper, did some chores, and then set out to pick figs off the tree in the driveway island out front. I got a big basket picked and took it over to Pauline and Hubert, and visited with them for a little while. I got back home and started picking more for Randy and Irene, and did not get very far, and I will pick more wither tonight or tomorrow. I gave them a call later in the morning, and they were not home, so they are not missing anything until I get the figs to them most likely tomorrow.
After I picked figs, I tried to get soaker hoses set out around some of the palms and things out around the pool. I got that done, and it is incredible that lots of the landscaping around the house is just crispy...WE REALLY NEED RAIN. All the local papers (Georgetown, Bartlett and Temple) are reporting that this drought is the worst in thirty years. I hope so, because that will mean that after this drought breaks, it should not be as extreme for several more years. Not sure, but the climate may just be a changin'. Hopefully, El Nino will develop in the Pacific and that will bring us some floods. We can always count on a flood to break a drought. I sound like an old timer, and I have only lived around here for 20 years.
Miguel came out this morning with about three or four other people and get a shade cover started for another pasture we are going to open up for the cattle. That will be the third pasture we will have for cattle, and I think that will be it. I like being able to rotate cattle from pasture to pasture, and that will be another pasture for them. There is no natural shade back there for them, so that is why we are building the shade cover. It is really just kind of like a pavilion you would see at a picnic area, just a roof structure for them to get under during the heat of the day. Later in the fall, I think we are going to transplant some trees into two pastures, so there will be a bit more shade for them. Miguel should be back tomorrow to finish it up.
Leftovers for dinner tonight, yummy. I have finished all the cantaloupe, I have been craving cold liquids after being outside so long this morning and afternoon. I put gas in all the equipment around the farm today, and filled the tractor up with diesel, and went into Granger and filled up my tanks...$80 later we are ready for business for another couple months. Two tanks of gas and two tanks of diesel can usually hold us for a couple months.
Okay, try to do a good deed for someone, or at least have a kind word for someone. Don't forget to tell those that you love how much they mean to you. Have Fun!
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