I had a call yesterday from Travis who said he will be coming by this evening to run the solar powered electric fence lines along one side of the pasture. That ought to keep the ornery Mr. Speckles from tearing up the fence along that side. Unfortunately, it will give all the cattle (and especially the little calves) a 'shocking' experience if they happen to rub up on it, which they will. Oh well, hopefully they will only hit it a time or two before they learn to steer clear (get it?). Bad pun...
I am just delighted with the flag and flagpole that Jody got me for our anniversary. Now if we can just get a little bit of wind to show he package off to its' full potential. We have also ordered a solar powered light kit that is made for the flagpole and will actually attach to it and shine up on the flags at night. I need to pay attention to flag protocol also, I am not sure of the protocol when it is raining. I will get back to you on that.
Had a really nice lunch with Deb this afternoon, lots of good talk and sharing. Very nice. Probably the first time we sat down and talked about 'stuff' more than 'STUFF', so that was really nice. During lunch it was doing a little drizzle action outside, and that was interesting when we walked outside Deb was VERY CONCERNED that she would melt if she got wet, and she is probably correct! A wonderfully sweet person! So sweet she did not even tell me that I slopped soup all over my shirt! At least it is in a spot that could be covered up with a tie if I Need this shirt again before laundry day! Thanks!
My friend Tandy just showed up in the office to pick up the children's underwear. I am really glad to have them out of my car just in case I get pulled over for speeding. 'Excuse me sir, can you tell me why you have seventy pairs of children's underwear in your back seat?' Well officer, you see it is like this... Good luck to Tandy on her visit to the Amazon...
TODAY'S PHOTO: So after lunch, and after Tandy came and picked up the underwear, I was off to show property in a very eclectic area of central Austin. So, the showing went well, and all was good. I went around the block to get to the main street and saw a car that had crashed into the barrier just before a bridge...did not really do too good for the old Toyota, and I guess it did not do too much for the driver, as is witnessed by the arrest captured here for the world to see. I am so happy I always take my camera. I thought I would first ask the officers if I could take the photo, but then I decided to ask forgiveness instead of permission. Why would an Austin Police Officer give me permission to take an 'action photo'? AND THEN, an unmarked police car followed me for about three miles after I went on about my business. I guess they determined that I had no outstanding warrants, and was not in violation of any kind of probation, so...
That will be it for today. I am going to leave here and make tracks for the homestead. Do a good deed for someone, give someone something that they really need. It does not always have to be something of a material nature. Sometimes people only need to be listened to, sometimes they only need your advice (but first let them ask for it, my advice is not to volunteer advice), and sometimes they only need someone to be available, and close. HAVE FUN!
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