Today's post is brought to you in part by: Things I have not included in recent posts, but will try to include today'. Last Sunday when I was on my way home from my listing appointment, I saw a fox in the middle of the road. You can see a pretty good distance out here on the small roads, and I saw 'her' from a good distance off. As I got closer, she did not really make any attempts to go off, but by the time I got about 300 feet away, she finally got up and ran off into a corn field. I have seen her twice, and I am assuming she is a she. In the story I have imagined about her, she has a brood (is that what you call a litter of fox (or foxes?)), and it is not far from where I saw her. Unfortunately, on Tuesday, they harvested the corn from that place, so I assume she high-tailed it off to a new place to be safe. There are some creeks and small wooded patches in the area, so I believe there are plenty of places for her to go and raise her young.
Okay, now I forgot what else I was going to catch you up on, so I will just keep going with new stuff. Today was a good day, I actually got my office somewhat straightened out, and River said it definitely had a better flow, except for the corner where all the 'necessary items to survive in real estate' are stored. I guess I need to clear off some of the book shelves and take some items to storage, but you never know when you will need something you have not needed in a couple years. Maybe tomorrow.
We processed security deposit refunds today and got that ready for Margaret to come in tomorrow and cut checks. Then we will put the checks in the mail on Friday, and that will be the end of another month. Time flies when you are having fun! can you believe it will be August in just a few more days?
On the way home this afternoon, I was lucky enough to actually pay attention to the traffic reports, and heard that the northbound side of the Interstate was closed in the middle of Georgetown. Some type of high speed chase from Austin ended up as a car wreck and hostage taking situation in the middle of the road. SO, I got off the Interstate and rerouted myself to Texas 130 (Toll Road) that put me north of all the excitement. I am very pleased with myself for doing that. When I was close to Georgetown on the toll road, I could see the helicopters circling the main event, and when I got to the Interstate access, traffic going northbound was VERY light. I won't know what happened until tomorrow, since we do not get Austin television stations here. Crime and drama can wait until another time, and that is just fine with me.
Bratwurst for dinner, wonderfully good, along with a nice salad, some mixed veggies and there will be a pop sicle for dessert later. Jody also got some lovely green grapes at the grocery this afternoon, very nice!
On a sad note, a good friend of mine and a former client Janna passed away on Saturday. Luckily, I had spoken with her by phone a couple times in the last several months. The first time I called, I asked her how she was doing, an quite matter-of-factly she shared with me that she had cancer. We talked about the prognosis and some this-and-that for a while, and the next time I spoke with her, she was leaving the next day for Houston to begin bone marrow transplant therapy. Not sure if therapy is the right word, but the procedures for bone marrow transplanting. She was expecting the entire process to take several months, so I had not spoken with her since that afternoon. She was a wonderful woman, and I cared for her very much. You don't have to see or communicate with people on a daily basis to care about them. She was loved, I know she was, and she knew she was. I will miss her.
Now, go tell those you care about how you care about them. Take time, make time, do it. You never know if you will have another chance.
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