When we got into the pool last night, I was VERY surprised to find out how COOL the water had become. A couple days of cloud cover really does a job on the cool-down of the pool water. Jody thinks he was really cute because he was already in, and he knew it would be a BIG surprise, and he was right! We only stayed in the pool a little while, and then we just sat on the patio and enjoyed the evening.
We (okay, that would really be me) are addicted to Home & Garden Television and the Green Channel, both of which give me good information for many of the real estate classes I teach. So usually the television timer is set for a reasonable amount of time so we can just drift off to sleep and the TV will turn itself off. You really do not need to pay 100% attention to 'House Hunters International', but I do like to pay attention to stuff on the Green Channel, particularly 'Living with Ed', 'Stuff Happens' with Bill Nye, and a couple other ones. Very good stuff.
I am totally kind of maybe possibly disappointed in 'Big Brother'. Last season and this season there has been totally too much arguing and screaming going on. If I wanted to watch that crap (which it seems I do since I keep watching) I would just replay my life from about the ages of 9 til about 14 or 15...not my mother's best years. Anyway, that will all be a story when I am feeling more needy in the psychological counseling kind of way...not feeling particularly needy right now. YIPPEE!
I had a three o'clock showing this afternoon, and on the way home I decided to go take signs and lock boxes off properties. I now have three signs rattling around in the back seat of my car. Whatever... I also stopped to visit with a friend of mine (Diana), who called and asked if I would list her house for sale...I love those kinds of e-mails. So, I will do some research and we will meet on Saturday or Sunday and get everything together. Later on the way home, I had a call from another friend (Travis) that said he found a house he is interested in buying, and would I represent him? Well, let me think about this for a minute...YES! It was a good day! And the $8K tax credit for first time home-buyers is a really good thing. Get it now, I am not sure they will renew that program.
I got a tank full of gas, Lotto and Mega-Millions and two sour creme donuts. I am now prepared for anything. I also stopped at HEB and got Jody some 'flares'. If you have ever talked with anyone from West Texas, you will know that 'flares' are really 'flowers', and they are really purty. See photo above.
We have all quit talking about the heat, and now we are all talking about the lack of rain. I hope that will not last too long. Another two weeks and Austin will be under mandatory water rationing according to the news, and all the trees are stressing and what is not stressing is already dead. Really bad.
Okay, how have you been doing in the good deed department? Well, if not today, hopefully tomorrow. Remember, it is a great thing, and you will be a better person for it. Who knows, you might even get some purty flares! Have fun!
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