Today is Thursday,and that means we have our property management meeting in the morning beginning at about 9 AM. I had a 10:30 AM appointment, and Carrie had an early morning appointment as well. Carrie always brings breakfast tacos to the meeting, and today she also brought some cinnamon rolls with some sort of (really sweet) icing on them. Of course, I had my taco and most of one of the cinnamon rolls. I think Carrie is 'feeding herself vicariously' through the rest of us in the office. The has been on a very successful diet plan for the last couple of months, and she has done very well, and is reaching her goals...except the rest of us are suffering from a decided lack of will power. Sorry when faced with sweets, I am generally a pushover, and have no will power or self-control what-so-ever.
I made it to my 10:15 and met an old friend from my answering service days, he was one of my clients back then and he has a very successful make-ready business. I was out a couple weeks ago at a property and I saw his sign in a yard, so I called him and we are going to try to do some business together. Anyway, it was nice seeing him, and it was good to see all the work progressing at that particular property.
After that meeting, it was time for Meals-On-Wheels. For whatever reason, the delivery driver was going to be late, so we all had a call from the office alerting us to that fact. BUT...several of us are hard-wired to just go to the pick-up point at a certain time, and I am one of the early ones to arrive, usually. It is usually me, Mr. Stan and Denis that show up early, and we generally stand around and solve the problems of the world while we wait for the meals to be delivered. Today was no different; we each had a call to show up later than usual, but we all showed up at the usual time. We just had extra time to solve more problems, that's all.
When I made it back to the office, one of the companies we do business with, Colonial Bank had been by and brought a box of a half-dozen donuts. Enough with the donuts already (see the post from two or three days ago). So, in the next few weeks, I assume it will be me on the diet, trying to shed all the 'summer weight' I have put on.
The rest of the day was busy, and time went by quickly. Before I left the office for the day, Jody called and we decided we would go to Catfish Parlour for dinner, which we both enjoyed tremendously. Good food, yum!
Since it is close to the Fourth of July, I stopped at Marie Calendar's and bought Apple Pies for the neighbors, and I think we are getting the reputation of being the pie people. We do not grow enough vegetables yet to share, so we kind of have a tradition of delivering pies at the Holidays. It could be worse!
So, be kind to yourself, and maybe to one more person while you are at it. It will do you a world of good. HAVE FUN!
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