I went out and picked figs off the tree, and even though there are lots of figs left, I think we are about done with the fig pickin'. The heat, the wasps, the bees and the whatevers are taking their toll, and I cannot keep up, so I am conceding that it was a good fight, but I am surrendering to nature. The wildlife can have the rest of them, and Pauline has made us plenty of fig jelly and preserves, enough to see us through for a while. Next year is another year, and I expect El Nino to do his thing and we will all be happier, if not wetter.
After figs, I went out and fed the cattle and took a look at their hay situation. They pretty much went through a bale of hay in the last week, so I moved another bale into their pasture. That is the end of the 'store bought' hay, and we are now down to the hay that we baled this year. We have about forty bales of our own hay, and I hope that will last us for a while. IF we get any rain, we could hopefully get another cutting of hay this year, and that would be great, we would have hay to keep the cattle happy. AND, rain would green up the pastures and the cattle would not be so dependent on the hay. I am going to move them into the other pasture next week, just to rotate them, and we are working on setting up the third pasture for them to rotate, so we are all happy about that.
Jody and I then went into Georgetown and stopped at the Collectors Market, the place that we have consigned with to sell all the stuff we have had stored for years. Jody had told me that three out of four lights in our display cabinet were out, and we did not know if they were turned out or had burned out. It turns out someone had turned them out, so that was an easy fix. We left there and went to Home Depot where I bought one of those extension things that you can change light bulbs in high places, and enough compact fluorescent light bulbs (floods) to complete the install in the living room. When I get those changed, that will mean EVERY light bulb in the place has been changed to compact fluorescent. I would have changed them all earlier, but they are 16 feet up, and we very seldom use them anyway, but it will be done this weekend. Then we went to WalMart to get some hummingbird food, and stopped by Dairy Queen for our weekend spoiler.
We got home and Jody went down for a nap, I put in a terrible NetFlix movie, and then slept for a couple hours after that. I woke up in time for cantaloupe and Nacho Doritos...lovely. Not sure what we will be having for dinner tonight, but I am quite positive it will be yummy.
We are both planning to jump in the pool later, (we had to put water in the pool this morning), and that will be the end of the day.
Try to do something nice for someone, and remember to do something nice for yourself while you are at it. HAVE FUN!
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