Today is the first day (of two) that we are having our HVAC systems replaced with super high efficiency units. They are really pretty, and really efficient, 16 SEER units. Our HVAC person extraordinaire (James) said the old units were Yugos and the new ones were Lexuses (what is the plural of Lexus? Lexi?)...anyway, they are expected to be much better units and much more efficient. The old units were 14 years old, and very noisy. New ones are very quiet. Very nice.
A good day at the office today. The monthly NARPM luncheon in the Arboretum area. The guest speaker was from the economic development office in Cedar Park, and his economic forecast was not so much of a forecast as it was a recap of the economic successes of the past several years. Interestingly, Cedar Park is landlocked, no room for expansion or annexation of more land, and they expect there will be no more developable land there within 4 to 6 years. Everything that can be built will have been built in Cedar Park within just a few years. It seems very odd, but I am sure it is true.
Our neighbor Pauline came over this morning about 11 AM and was bringing us some fig jelly, and she called me and said she had brought the jelly over, and there were all these men there loading boxes from the garage into a cargo trailer, and she thought we were being burgled. I told her it was the HVAC people, and that I thought it was okay. That is great, we all look out for each other around here. Jody had gone into Austin for an appointment, and we had left the service guys a key, so they were just working away. Nice to live someplace where people care enough to check up for you.
Tomorrow will be my last real day of work this week, and I will basically be working remotely on Thursday and Friday. Some appointments, but nothing that can't be done via the telephone. I have an appointment to show some property tomorrow, and that will be about it for this week.
Time to go jump in the pool, Jody is already out there. Do something nice for someone, and maybe you could buy a box fan for someone that cannot afford one. It is HOT! A thirty dollar donation to your local Elder-care office will buy two fans. You will be doing a great thing, and it will make someone really happy. Have Fun!
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