I am a little bit worried about one of my Meals-On-Wheels clients. She has not been on my route for the last two weeks, so I tend to worry. I wish I could get paid to worry, because I am REALLY good at it. My Uncle Bert used to tell me I did not need to worry, he could worry enough for both of us, no need for us both to be worried. So, since he is no longer around, I have taken it up as a vocation. ANYWAY, if she is not on the route next week, I will make a couple phone calls and try to determine what the story is.
Tomorrow we are supposed to have two of our computers in the office upgraded (?) to Windows 7. It is supposed to fix a myriad of issues we had with whatever-in-the-hell Windows thing we have on these computers...the one after XP. SO, I am keeping my fingers crossed. It is supposed to take two or three hours. What are the chances? Yeah, I know. HEY DOUG...convince me I should be writing soliloquies to Jobs for an iPad. It looks to me like it is just a big iPhone. Am I missing something? HELP ME, HELP ME!
In order to take full advantage of this glorious day to to do everything possible to ensure that I have a relapse into my less-healthy state, I left the office early today, and went to get my haircut. As long as I was playing hookie, I might as well run a couple other errands, too, and fill the car up with gas, go through the ten-dollar former quarter-car-wash, and catch up on my e-mails. I think everyone in North Austin decided to drive to Georgetown to go through the same pitiful excuse of a car wash, and I was the fourth person in line. Oh well, at least most of the pollens came off the car, and you can tell what color it is right now. More that was possible for the last couple weeks, anyway.
Left Overs for dinner tonight, usually better than the first time around. Tomorrow should be a nice calm day (except for the computer re-do parts), and I will try to do my best to stay calm.
What are the odds?
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ADIRONDACK CHAIRS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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