It is time to talk about the Irises (sp?) again. There are so many interesting colors of them out here, many that I have never seen before, even though I have to admit I never studied Irises (sp?) that much in the past. This mahogany colored Iris is just beautiful, as are these lighter colored ones that remind me of Parchment. And they have suck pretty LARGE lavender colored pistels. Very interesting. And of course, what good Texan (other than a bunch of Aggies) would not like these burnt orange Iris? Just very interesting. If you ever had a chance, you need to stop by and take a look at some of these. It seems that every day we find another one that we had not noticed before. I hope you are not all bored of them, but if you are, just stay tuned, I am sure I will find something completely different to bore you with before long.

Whose idea is it, do you think, to work on traffic signals on a major east/west thoroughfare in the middle of rush hour? Do you think they have a special department for stuff like that down at City Hall. I wondered why it was taking so long to get through the intersection, and this is what I discovered. CRAZY! Not only was this truck blocking one lane of the two lanes, there was no warning until you were already there. There was no way to plan of avoid it. AND, once you were through the intersection, THEY REPEATED THE PROCESS. Kind of like, they were so successful doing it at this intersection, why don't we try the next intersection as well. Whatever...
Today was a very quiet day at the office, so I actually left a little bit early. I visited with Michael and Pauline and Hubert for a little while before I got to the house, to see if they were interested in working on our THREE lawn mowers. One push, one self-propelled, and one rider. Oh, and while they are at it, why not let them look at the Mule as well. I am not that great with anything mechanical, but I know enough about when it is time to call in the experts. So, I think they may be coming by to collect the dead soldiers later this week and give them all the once over.

The bees seem to be doing very nicely. There is activity at all the hives, and that is a good thing. Happily, my bee sting from yesterday was not really bothering me too much, but I was definitely aware that it was there, SO when I got home this aftrenoon, I handed Jody the tweezers and sure enough, he found the stinger, still embedded in my flesh. It feels much less irritating now that that little booger has been removed! Tomorrow I will go out and make sure they all have food still, and this time I will be making mixtures of sugar and water. Eight pounds of sugar to eight pounds of water. That ratio will make about a gallon of syrup, and I need enough for five hives, so I need to get forty pounds of sugar to start with. WOW!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, SUGAR SYRUP, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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