The pity-party continues. I feel worse today than I felt yesterday, so I actually called my doctor to get an appointment, not sure free advice over the telephone. I think if today had been Wednesday instead of Friday, I would have waited, but I just did not want to go through the whole weekend feeling like crap. Once I started reciting the symptoms (it sounded a lot like a television commercial for some patent medicine cure) even I knew I was not a good candidate for a miracle pill. I still thought I had allergies, but thought there must be SOMETHING that could be achieved by going to the doctor. So, my fabulous doctor (seriously) said he thought I had just a classic head cold, and that there was no miracle pill (crap) but he did give me a couple suggestions for letting me rest easier. When I got the the pharmacy, they said there is a lot of this going around, and I have since heard from others that it is not just allergies. So, we shall see. The doc said if I am not incredibly better next week, give him a call and we will go from there. This is a photo of the equally fabulous Lisa and Rene in the wonderful doctors office. If you all need a referral to the best family practice type medical office in Austin, just let us know.

After we left the doctor and got the prescriptions filled, we stopped by the office, since Jody had not seen it since we moved, and Michael had never been to my office (before or after). We left there and headed north. Traffic was crazy and I was just trying to keep my head in an upright position in the back seat, and trying to put one word after another in some logical meaningful sense (and I am not too sure that I was successful). We stopped at the bank in Round Rock, and then headed to the Steak 'N Shake by the Outlet Mall. That was probably the first time I have been to a Steak 'N Shake in about twenty-five years. I think they had just opened one in Memphis when I was leaving there, and they have built a couple in the area recently. I am a sucker for a Club Sandwich, so that is what I had. I am currently taste-bud challenged, but the sandwich tasted good but the french fries had absolutely no taste at all. The service was good, but that place is LOUD!

We left there and went to Spec's so I could buy a couple bottles of wine. I am sick, not stupid. So, as I am still not an informed person about the chic nuances of wine, I am still attracted by wither the name or the shape or the color of the bottles. Today, I picked two bottles of 'Royal Bitch' wine. I liked the name. I am convinced that I like Merlot's, but other than that, it is all about the bottles, names or price. I am not an expensive finicky wine person, so cheap is better. Along with the name of these bottles, these were the cheapest I could find. I will let you know how this all works out. The back of the bottle says 'You could be royal and be a bitch, or you can be a Royal Bitch, but don't whine about our wine. Savor the flavor and do us a favor...' Which I think is kind of cute!
Joe and Carolyn have just arrived, and they will be going out with Mike and Jody tonight to the Walburg Restaurant for German Food. I am planning to stay home and have jelly beans and Snicker Bars. I just do not think I feel like going out for dinner. We are having lunch for Jody tomorrow, and I am planning to save myself for that.

Michael came over and fertilized and put weed killer on that pastures this afternoon, and just about thirty minutes after he finished that, it started to rain. I hope that is a good thing. We got less than a quarter of an inch, it was just a nice brief shower. The winds have now stopped, I guess the rains brought a front through that killed that. There is a possibility we will have another zero electricity usage day, but they are most likely done for a while. I think we had three in a row, so that is pretty darn good. The Iris are still blooming out, and here is another photo of them.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FERTILIZER, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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