Today is basically set aside to honor Jody. It is not his birthday (that was last week), but we had a luncheon to honor his birthday, and friends and loved ones from all around (Texas, Mississippi, Florida and California) came to have lunch with him. We all met at the Roaring Fork Restaurant in Northwest Austin, and I am pretty sure a good time was had by all. It was (is) a beautiful afternoon, and we had a large table outside under a shade cover, with a wonderful view of Quarry Lake. Good food, good friends and lots of good conversation and memories. Jody is certainly a lucky man, loved by many and adored by just as many. I am honored to be a small part of his life.

I am feeling much better than I did yesterday, but still not really up to my usual speed. I know, I said today was all about Jody, but I am just taking a moment to report on my condition. Thank you. I think I will continue my convalescence for a few more days, and then I will be fine. I slept late this morning, and when I finally got up, I made coffee and read the meters. Mike and I went outside and put the new flags on the pole, and we will retire the old flags at a later date. We all just kind of hung around the house until it was time to get ready to go into Austin, and lunch. There were about fifteen friends at the lunch, and we all had a great time. On the way home, we needed to stop for gas in the truck, and then we drove through Georgetown a little bit, and then on home by way of Weir, just a casual drive through the countryside.

Once we were all home, we just kind of chilled, and sat around and talked for a long time. No one is really hungry, but I think there may be nibblies in store for later. Mike decided to go attack the Sago Palm that was damaged by the frost earlier this year, and it is one of those things that you just have to jump in to. There is nothing on line that gives you any guidance about how to trim a Sago Palm, and this is the result so far. This will have to do as today's wildflower (or nature) photo for the day. Poor, poor little Sago Palm.
Tomorrow morning I think I will make egg loaf for five. That will be a big treat! EGG LOAF! I think some other friends will be coming out to the house for a while as well, and there may be an auction in the afternoon, although the Holiday may put a hold on that. There is usually an auction in Bartlett on the first Sunday of the month, but I am not sure if it will happen tomorrow or not. We shall see.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, SAGO PALMS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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