I have been plotting and planning about how to take this photograph for about a week now, so this afternoon, I just stopped and gave it my best. People in a small town in central Texas have been known to take exception to lesser things than someone with a camera laying flat on their back in the front of the Lutheran Church and snapping away. Someone could get the wrong idea. Well, okay,a lot of people could get the wrong idea. But, having said that, I think the photo turned out pretty well, and it certainly puts the church in a good light!
It is going to be a short blog entry tonight. I was showing property late this afternoon, and have just gotten home, had dinner, checked the bees and surveyed the cattle. There is no time to waste, I have to watch GLEE tonight, and it will be on shortly.
The bees are looking good, the cattle are happily grazing in the far back pasture. The newest addition can be seen happily romping around back there,so there are no issues to be corrected.
Deeds, Changes, Actions, CHURCHES, Kindnesses Whirled Peas, FUN!
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