I was very surprised this morning when I started my day as usual, and when I pulled the cover off the water meter to take my reading, there was a snake inside it. I think the snake was just as surprised as I was, although I do not think the snake could be heard screaming like a girl all the way from here to Bartlett. I am surprised no one called 9-1-1. When I got home from work this afternoon, I walked back up there to see if it was still there, and it was not. I guess they are like many things in nature, and it is easy for them to get into small places. Tomorrow I will be taking my camera along as I make my rounds of the meters. You can never be too careful! I think it was just a rat snake or a chicken snake. I know for sure it was not a rattle snake. No rattles on that one. Anyway...this is a photo of one of the yucca's at the front of the property (around where Aunt Mary's house used to be). It ought to be blooming out pretty soon, I think these buds just appeared in the last day or so.

A nice calm and quiet day. Got some work done in the morning, and the final part arrived for my new computer mount. It looks kind of like the computer is levitating, but it is actually mounted to a bracket that clamps onto the side of the desk. It helps to get the computer OFF the desk top, because since I have chosen to downsize myself, all that real estate in my office has become much more valuable. I need room! I need to be able to spread out all my 'stuff'. So, that is a step in the right direction. AND, I can push it out of the way when needed, so I will have even more space. So far, I am pretty happy with it.
I had a lunchtime meeting at the Board, and it was a very good meeting with lots of information provided on short sales; actually there was a good discussion about short sales and foreclosures, and it was good timely information for all of us. Lunch was provided, and that was very yummy too. baked chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, cookies and Sweet Tea! What could be better?

On the way home, I went through Hutto and Taylor. Taylor was the destination because I was going to show a lease listing for my BP Carrie, BUT the prospective tenant did not show up. That was okay though, since it had been a long time since I had been in Taylor. On the way to home, I thin stopped in Granger, where they are preparing to film a remake of True Grit, this time starring Matt Damon and Jeff Bridges (in the John Wayne role). I had heard they are re-doing facades on some of the old buildings, and it was interesting to see. I will try and stop by there a few more times as things progress, to keep you up to date. This is one of the more interesting photos I took, I guess they will just need to film the front of this building, since that is all there is of it. The reality (is that an oxymoron?) of Hollywood in central Texas!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HOLLYWEIRD, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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