DAY ONE HUNDRED ALREADY! Where is the time going? Where are the days going. Where have all the years gone? Whatever... Today was another beautiful day in central Texas. We need to take advantage of these, because they will soon be replaced by very hot days and warm evenings. Summer lasts a long time here. At least there is some moisture in the ground now, so I do not think everything will burn up this summer as it did last summer. We can hope anyway. This is a photo of some wild flowers I saw along the roadside near IH-35 and FM 972. I think these are more cultivated than necessarily wile, but I liked the combination of colors. I hope you enjoy them too.

Bee class was held here today, and before that all started, I went out and mowed the grass around the hives so folks could walk around. At first I was going to cut an area directly adjacent to the hives. Then I decided I would cut the grass until a specific time. Then I decided I would cut the grass until the mower ran out of gasoline. I ended up cutting grass until I ran over a bunch of dead weeds that Mike had pulled and it made the mower stall. BUT, that was a lot of grass that got cut, so I was happy about that. Then I arranged the lawn furniture in the front of the yard by the road, did a lot of this and that kind of stuff, and then got all my bee supplies organized that I had bought. By that time, folks had started to arrive, and I was amazed that I had actually purchased the correct things to get the hives started. I thought the bees were going to be here tomorrow, but they are now going to be here next Sunday. I have changed schedules around the arrival of these bees about four times, so I hope this is the last time we need to change. ANYWAY, there were about eight folks that showed up for the bee class, and they all worked really hard to help me get my hives ready for the bees. They area going to be doing the same thing next week, except they will be at the warehouse, and I won't be there because I have an out-of-town-buyer coming in, and I will be showing property all day on Saturday. Whatever...I swear!

Another challenge with the bees is that they are being delivered in DEEP BROOD FRAMES, and I only had one hive with a deep brood super, so I had to buy four more deep brood supers, and deep brood frames. Bee talk. If you want to know what all this means, let me know and I will try to remember what it all means. I am amazed that I have remembered it this long. ANYWAY, the brood supers and the frames ALL HAVE TO BE PUT TOGETHER. Hundreds and hundreds of little parts, and then the brood supers have to be painted. So far I have pretty much got the supers put together (40 nails in each super) and I have some of the framed put together (only eight nails in each of those and I need fifty of them). So, tomorrow will be busy with nailing and putting together. I am getting pretty excited about getting the bees though, so my goal for next Sunday is to NOT have to be admitted to the hospital as a result of multiple bee stings. I hope that all works out.
Jody and I also went into Georgetown this afternoon, did a little bit of shopping, and shipped Mike some Corning Ware he bought while he was here. It will all be there on Thursday, Mikey. We went to Dairy Queen and had spoilers, and then once we settled in, we rearranged the furniture in both the guest bedrooms, so everyone will be more comfortable the next time they all visit, which we hope will be soon.
Tomorrow I will feed the cattle and take a fresh bale of hay out to them, and then in the afternoon I am heading into Austin to show some homes. Life is good and I am a lucky person!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, SMALL WOODEN PARTS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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