It was a dark and stormy night. Okay, not really, but it has been a grey and drippy day. I do not think the high temperatures made it into the 60's all day long today. And it is windy here on the edge of nowhere. It was a perfect day to go to Wendy's for a bowl of their chili. I think they hit us with a double-whammy, too; reduced the size of the chili AND raised the price. The large size chili just is not! Whatever. I also stopped on the way home and picked us up some for dinner. The perfect thing for this weather, along with a little fire in the stove. It is supposed to go down into the 40's overnight and keep drizzling. Big things in store for Thursday - a warm up and clearer skies. We can deal with just about anything around here, as long as the sun is shining.

Traffic this morning was just a little bit of a challenge and this afternoon was a little bit better. I really do not even pay that much attention to it anymore. I could tell you stories... BUT, I just go back and forth and listen to my books, and it is not even an issue. AND, it does give me a chance to look at really neat cloud formations, sometimes just huge expanses of blue sky...sometimes things you would never think you would ever see in the middle of a 'civilized' place. But that is all for another sort of blog. That gives me an idea!

The chickens did not get out of their pen today, it was too rainy and cold. I went out and fed them late in the afternoon, and they acted like they were ready to go find the bug feast. I had news for them. I gave them their dinner of bread and cabbage, made sure they had plenty of mash in the coop, along with plenty of water, and they were all pretty happy. I have learned it does not take a great deal to make a chicken smile. Did you know chickens have lips? That was an old gag that ran in the BC comic strip about forty years ago, but I can still remember it. ANYWAY, six eggs today, five yesterday, and this is the end of six weeks of egg collection. We have gathered a total of 155 eggs in six weeks, just one egg short of thirteen dozen eggs. That is just over two dozen eggs per week. And they are DELICIOUS, too, and so good for you!
Started packing for New Orleans, all is well here.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ROAD TRIP, Kindnesses, World Peas, FUN!
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