Alright (I am kind of tired of saying 'Okay', so I am changing it to 'alright). ALRIGHT, this entry is going to be entirely devoted (okay, almost all of it) to the 14th Annual Austin Empty Bowl Project. Let me clarify that; all of it except for the parts that aren't will be devoted to the Empty Bowl Project. Let us begin...

I headed into Austin relatively early this morning, and arrived at the Mexican American Cultural Center at about 9:45 for the event that began at 11. The parking lot was already filled, and I was directed to another lot about three blocks away. IMMEDIATELY I needed to get my attitude checked, and before long I was much better. Why was I so crabby about having to walk? Because I could be, I guess. Anyway... I got the the volunteer check-in, and found my appointed duty station and got pretty much settled in. Full disclosure would require that I admit I had way too much coffee, and there was a chance things could get ugly. I was selling raffle tickets for a beautifully done hand-made quilt, and I expected the tickets to go like wildfire. But I was a little bit disappointed in the sales, so I had to start making a better effort to get attention. Needless to say, I can be loud, and I actually got a lot of people to give me a dollar just so I would shut up. I expect a pretty good bit of money was raised just from the raffle ticket sales. I hope so. This is a photo of the group from our company at the function; Pat, Carrie, Me and Karla. I hope everyone had a good and rewarding time today.

I was/am totally smitten with Quita, who is one of our local television news personalities. She is as tiny as a bitty-bit, and that always surprises me. I asked her if she would consent to having her photo taken with me, and she was very gracious and tolerant. Ten points for Quita, she is a delightful person (did I mention she is not as big as a minute), and a pleasure to watch on the television news (usually in the mornings on the weekends.
OKAY (I mean alright), I got home about 2:30 from my volunteer shift, and Jody and I headed into Georgetown, where we hit the Dairy Queen and then HEB to do a little bit of shopping. I stayed in the car, since I have just started listening to a new book by Cormac McCarthy (All the Pretty Ponies) and I am on the second of seven CD's and I still have not figured out the point of the book, although it is pretty interesting.
Once we made it home, I needed to clean the chicken coop, and gathered eggs, etc. Another six eggs today, and that is a great thing. That ends the week with 37 eggs, and I think that is swell.
Tomorrow is the beginning of a short work week, and I am looking forward to the long weekend, and our visit with friends from out-of-town. I am also grateful that we are not doing any air-travel this week, it does not look like any fun at all, but then again, air-travel quite being fun about nine years ago.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, EMPTY BOWL, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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