All the news that's fit to blog...and then some! Stayed in bed extra long this morning, since I was planning to take the day off and enjoy the company of our friends from out of town. I finally got up around 7, and Jody was actually up before me! We did our morning ritual things, made coffee, got the paper, read the meters. While I was out, there was evidence of what was trying to be a really pretty sunrise, but it never really materialized. Too many clouds, but it was pretty!

I watered the morning glories and then changed the contents of the outside water source for the chickens. The outside water container needs about twice the attention that the one inside their coop needs. Evaporation!

I also changed the flags, even though the winds were really high. I love the flags, and I love that we have a proper place to display them. They are all fresh and lovely.

And, by the way, our friends brought us this piece of yard art, we love it. HOWEVER, we are kind of the mind that this one guy is kind of lonely, and we may need to develop a herd of these guys, since we already have the space!

Before long, Joe Mac and Carolyn were out in the front of the property, up by the road digging cannas, iris and lillies to take back to Mississippi with them. After they had a couple large bags of bulbs, we got in the Mule and went to the back pasture and checked on the cattle. All was well, and we went even further back in the pastures, just for the heck of it. All was still well!
We all piled up in the car and headed for Georgetown, where we had lunch at the Down the Alley Bistro. Very nice! Once that was finished, we headed off to Round Rock with the intention of picking up our dinner for tomorrow at Sprouts; but we were sidetracked to the Round Rock Honey Warehouse, where Konrad gave Joe Mac and Carolyn a five minute tour of the facility. That was really nice of Konrad to take his time, and it was a lot of fun.
We finally got the turkey, made one more stop before we went home, and we were all pretty tired of doing nothing. We went and let the girls out of their pen and collected six eggs. Today is the nine week anniversary of us getting eggs from the girls, and they area averaging about thirty eggs per week overall! We love that!
We went back into Georgetown for dinner tonight at El Patron. It got off to kind of a shaky start, but it all worked out fine in the long term.
Tomorrow is Giving Thanks day, and I know that I have plenty to be thankful for.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GOOD FRIENDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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