Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2010 - Day Three Hundred Six...

Jody said it rained, thundered and ligntninged (is that a word) last night, but you could not prove it by my, I slept through the whole thing. HOWEVER, when I woke up and went outside this morning, there was evidence of a bit of rainfall on the driveway, and the old-fashioned rain gauge (the atomic rain gauge has seemingly bit the proverbial dust) showed that we had about a quarter-inch overnight. That is more than we had the entire month of October, when we measured about one-tenth of an inch, hardly enough to even bother with. AND, it continues to rain here in Bartlett, although it had not rained in Austin during the day today. When I left Austin to come home, the thermometer in my car registered 70 degrees and by the time I arrived home it was reading 54 degrees. Definitely cooler here today than in Austin.

AND, the chickens are not stupid, in fact, I must concede that they are smarter today than Jody and me. I decided that since it was raining, I would go out with their food early and bribe them into going to their pen. Well, they were perfectly content to stay under the shelter of the back patio, and Jody and I were the ones who picked up two of them and carried them to their pen, while the others reluctantly followed.

I am certainly not going to apply for any intelligence awards today, and I hope I have not caused myself to get yet another cold or something worse. This thing I have, whatever it is, has lingered for three or four weeks now, and I am tired of it. I am coughing considerably less now than I was over the weekend and that is a good thing, but I am still tired of the drainage and all the other yuck. I am attributing my current malaise to a bad case of allergies; that's my story and I am sticking to it.

Lots of accomplishments in the office today, and I am in really good shape for being away for about a week. Keep your fingers crossed that there will be no catastrophes tomorrow or Thursday morning. If there are, they will just have to wait until I return.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, RAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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