I LOVE Covert Chevrolet in Hutto, Texas. Honestly, I do. They have been nothing but kind and gracious to me every time I have EVER had to take my car in for service. It is the Chevrolet part of the equation that I sometimes take issue with. Some of the practices are not reasonable or logical. I discovered last week that the 110 volt charging apparatus that came with the car was beginning to fray at one of the connections, and I could see the actual wires inside the unit. I called the service person I always deal with (Ryan, we know each other by name, kind of nice) and he said he would order the new charger and that would be that. When it came in, all I would need to do would be to go by and pick it up. BUT NO!!! Chevrolet wanted them to have me drop off the car and run diagnostics on the car. Okay, no issue. There has never been an issue about getting a loaner, and Covert staff makes everything very easy. Ryan called me and texted (spell check does not recognize that word) me a couple times during the day, and that was great. At about 3:30, he called to say that all they needed to do was to wash the car and I could pick it up tomorrow.
I really did not want to keep the loaner overnight, and I am having a LATE day tomorrow and I do not expect to get home until about 9 o'clock tomorrow night. I left the office to go and pick up my car, and called Ryan to tell him I was on my way. During the conversation, I asked him what had been accomplished; he told me they had rotated the tires (I had asked for that since the car was going to be there) and that they had ordered two parts (the charger and another small i=and inconsequential part I had told him the Chevy Engineers had broken the last time they had the car). That was it. It is not logical to me that I had to drop off the car at 7 AM (because of an early meeting I had to attend) and drive about 50 miles combined unnecessarily just to order two parts. Does that make sense to you? BUT, the fact remains, I do not blame this illogical reasoning on Covert Chevrolet in Hutto. It is the Chevrolet part that takes the blame, and I hope I get a chance to tell them. Oh, and did I mention that on my current tank of gas, I have driven over 1,000 miles on about 6 gallons of gas? Averaging about 167 miles per gallon. WOO-HOO!

One good thing about taking the car in to Hutto is that it gave me an excuse to stop at the Texan Cafe & Pie Shop in Old Downtown Hutto. A delicious Key Lime Pie (Joe Mac is once again looking for a pencil to make note) accompanied me home, and Jody and I are enjoying the first slice after a yummy dinner. Perhaps I should get over my aggravation with Chevrolet, and send them a thank you note for the pie. That will be $21.94 please. All is forgiven...

The broody girl is still broody, but she does make an occasional appearance outside the coop. Hopefully she will get over this soon. If not, she risks ending up in a stew pot. Jody reports that he retrieved three eggs from the coop earlier this afternoon, and all seems to be going nicely. I will go out there in a little while to check on the baby chicks, and probably give them some fresh water.
Getting closer to the three day weekend with every minute that passes. Remember the reason for the long weekend if you get a chance, too.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, COVERT CHEVROLET IN HUTTO, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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