Sunday, June 19, 2011

2011 - Day One Hundred Seventy: Sunday...

Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers out there.

It was a busy day today, full of good accomplishments. Weeds were pulled, chicken water source was fixed (thanks Joe) cattle were fed and fresh hay was taken out, older bales of hay were concentrated in one place and the freshly cut and baled hay was brought in from the fields, did some weeding, leveled the fountain so it hold water better for the birds and bees, did I mention weeds were pulled? Oh, and the trees by the road and the Pecans were watered. Lots of good work done today, and I hardly had to think about anything.

We went to Denny's for breakfast this morning and for the first time in my life, I consciously ordered from the senior citizen menu. They did not get the order right (I think Joe got my order and I got his order, but we did not figure that out until we had already chowed-down) but otherwise it was all good and cheap.

We did manage to make time to go into Georgetown to go to the Home Depot, and as long as we were there we decided we might as well stop at Dairy Queen. No hot fudge sundaes today, I had a root-beer freeze, Jody had a chocolate shake, Joe had a root beer freeze and Carolyn had a cherry frozen something. Everyone had a good time.

We got home and did more stuff, which included getting into the pool in the early evening. Tired, gonna go to bed shortly after dinner. The new little chicks are doing well and growing like weeds, and the big girls are doing fine. The one girl is still broody, and I am not sure she will ever get over it, but we can hope.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, LOTS OF WORK DONE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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