This is a photo of the new chicks I took last night after we transferred the new chicks into their expando-cage. They are adjusting very nicely, and I expect these bigger digs will allow them to expand as well. Before you know it, they will be joining the 'Big Girls' and laying blue eggs. That will be interesting. I remember when we got the first eggs from the chickens last year, it was very exciting. Ever since then, we still wonder that we get fresh organic eggs by the DOZENS!
A great day at the Austin Board! Two classes to a relatively packed house, Basics of Leasing and then Basics of Property Management. One small faux pas in the first class, nothing to get too excited about, those things happen. The classes were well received and the attendees learned some good things and I took away information as well. A win/win situation!

Once I got home, I went out and checked on the cattle, and took them a little bit of feed to get them used to eating in this new 'temporary' corral. I need to get them comfortable enough that when I need them in that corral on Friday, they will think it is a normal thing...and then we will pull out the syringes and the other items of veterinary medicine and put them all through their paces. I wonder if they will remember this next year? Hope not!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, COW TRICKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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