It is very interesting how much work you can get accomplished when you have a list and try to get everything on the list completed. Some of the tasks are more enjoyable than others, but I actually completed some today that I had been putting off. DONE!
Easy-breezy ride home this afternoon. Almost finished with the latest book on CD; The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. I had read a review of the book earlier in the year, and it is basically about how this woman dealt with tremendous loss. There are times that she is just totally out of control in her thoughts, and honestly, I think like that a lot! BUT, in the end, I expect she will get it together. There are several things that I find interesting in the book that she stresses...things change in an instant. What you expect most likely will not happen. Every day is ordinary, and then... If you suffer a tremendous personal tragedy, accept every invitation that comes you way, no questions.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ORDINARY DAYS, Kindnesses, World Peas, FUN!
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