Friday, glorious Friday. Made even better because I did not go into the office today. I went into the office an AMAZING three days this week. Life is tough, I am a really lucky man, maybe the luckiest man in the universe.
Most likely because of last nights debacle (which I did not fully understand until I reviewed last nights posting this morning, got that?) with the beer and the ambien and the late night working and arriving home, I really did not sleep all that comfortably, and slept a little bit late. I did not get up until almost 6:30, and did my regular chores and fed the bees and all. By then, Jody was up, and I had retrieved the morning paper, and we were all settled in comfortably at the breakfast room table. After coffee and the paper, I went out and got things watered in the front and the back, and came in and made us some breakfast.

As Jody had reported, there are a few morning glories blooming, and so far only the white ones a blooming, but it is early yet. AND, it took us a little time to make then chicken proof, so they will develop nicely for the rest of the summer. I am particularly fond of the hot pink ones, and the deep blues are beautiful as well. Once they grow over the trellis and get very dense, there is nothing much more beautiful. Okay, maybe four o'clocks and MAYBE hyacinth beans, but morning glories are right up there at the top of the list.

Around ten o'clock this morning, we headed to Waco to meet our friends Jim and Peg from Princeton, NJ. We met Jim and Peg back in the last century (such a simpler time back then) when we were all on a Smithsonian Cruise from Seattle to Alaska. Small ship (the Sea Lion) and beautiful adventures and lasting friendships. We had a lot of fun talking about this-and-that, and it was such a pleasant afternoon rekindling our friendship. They have kids and grand-kids in Dallas, and their son Alan came down with then and shared in the conversation. A wonderful time was had by all!
On the way home, we stopped in Jarrell and looked at a storm shelter. We are out here on the edge-of-nowhere (which is further than the middle-of-nowhere) and we have had some interesting weather here this year. AND, considering the storms and weather all across the country this year, we are just contemplating a storm shelter. ANYWAY, this place in Jarrell sells them (Jarrell was wiped out by an EF5 tornado in 1995) and they are seven miles from us. A 6x8x6 shelter is not nearly as claustrophobic as I expected it would be, and the idea is you will only be in it for (maybe) an hour at a time, it is not like you are preparing for nuclear Holocaust. I have already made plans for that, I am just trying to prepare for a bad storm right now.

We also stopped at the hardware store in Jarrell, because we have a GFCI receptacle in the garage (that provides electricity to the refrigerator out there) that has been tripping constantly. TO make a long story short (and hopefully less boring) we determined that is was not the receptacle that was bad, it was one of the pumps to a water feature in the front of that house that (we think) kept tripping the breaker. ANYWAY, we have our fingers crossed that that is the problem. We shall see...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GOOD FRIENDS AND NEW ONES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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