The more things change, the more they stay the same. Well, probably not. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot depend on FaceBook to work as it is (was) intended, so that means I will MANUALLY upload the daily entries to my FaceBook page. Oh dear, how 1999 is that? Manually uploading means that every day I will have to go into my profile, cancel and function and reinstall the same function, just so the entries will upload. How inconvenient is that?

It totally slipped my mind to take photos of some of the newest yard art pieces that we received as gifts last week from Joe Mac and Carolyn. As you all know, it is understood that there is a fine line between 'yard art' and 'crap on the porch', and Joe Mac and Carolyn are helping me erase that line. I am wondering how long this UT styled Longhorn will last out here in Aggie country. Only time will tell...

This has been a really nice day, a day full of small and minor accomplishments, since Joe Mac pretty much took care of a lot of the things I would have been doing (Thanks, Joe). I got up this morning, did my usual chores and by about 7:30 Jody and I were on our way to Taylor. I had emptied gas and diesel cans as much as I could into the lawn mowers, Mule and tractor (respectively), so we were off to get gasoline, diesel, cattle feed, salt blocks, mineral blocks, molasses buckets and anything else we thought we could use. We also stopped at HEB and bought a couple baskets of purslane (sp?) to replace some sun damaged callas, and some Diet Sierra Mist.

We were home by about 9:30 and we started getting ready to go and meet our friends Lynda and Michael at a nice 'tea-room' style restaurant in Salado called Adelea's On Main. Very good 'brunchy-lunch' venue, and they have killer Key Lime Pie (pause here while Joe Mac makes not to self). Suddenly our fig tree in the circle has started producing ripe figs, so we took a bag of figs and a carton of eggs along for them. We had a really nice time visiting and talking, and it was good to see them. Not sure how long it has been since we had seen them, but at least a couple months. Time is flying past!
We got home and took naps, and I had to go into town because (and I cannot believe this) I had left my teaching computer in the office, and I am teaching two days at the Austin Board, but I cannot teach without the power points. SO, as unhappy as I was about it, we headed into Austin about 3 o'clock, and decided (on the way home) that, as long as we were in the neighborhood, we might as well stop at Dairy Queen. Whatever...

This is a picture I took this morning of the morning glories. They are starting to go across the arbor, so I am looking forward to them filling in and blooming up a storm. Our grape plants are doing nicely, doubt there will be any grapes this year, but you never know. They are beginning to climb, and I think once they start that there will be no stopping them.
Chickens are doing nicely, the guy at Taylor feed said the brooder sill eventually get over it, but it may take her another month. He said he had never heard of sticking her butt in a bucket of cold water, but it probably would not hurt. Truth is stranger than fiction. The baby chicks are getting big too, and seemingly doing very well. They are getting big, and I expect I can move them into their bigger pen either tomorrow or next weekend at the latest.
I am really looking forward to the three day weekend next weekend. FUN CITY!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, LOTS-O-FEED, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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