NOTE: BLOGGER IS BEING FINICKY AGAIN, WILL NOT LET ME UPLOAD PHOTOS. Maybe tomorrow or the next day... Update: 5:10AM Tuesday, photos posted...

Sooooo, even though we did not get any rain last night, there were a few opportunities to marvel in the clouds. I am a fool for clouds (also a fool for a feather, but that is another story). I think clouds are about one of the most interesting things there are to see. If you are a long-time reader of this journal, you have noted that I find beauty in many things. I am happy about that. I also take the time to bring the beauty to the attention of others. Stop for just a second and look around you. I bet you can easily find ten examples of beauty within 50 feet of where you are right now. Consider yourself challenged.
It was a busy day in the office, again catching up from being AWOL last Friday. BUT, I am really lucky to have a great staff and wonderful colleagues that make me look good (especially when I am not around). I got into the office early this morning, and at about 8:45 headed to the Board for a meeting that lasted until about 11. Got back into the office in time to have lunch with one of our associates Chris, and then more power real estate in the office until it was time to go home.

I left the office at a little after four, and I had not gone too far until this temperature registered on my car display. REALLY? 107 degrees. I know that may be a little extra warm because of the pavement and all, but REALLY? There was a temperature sign at a car dealer that was reading 104 degrees. Either way, it is warm here in central Texas, and we are not even (officially) into the summer season. BUT, the humidity is in the 20% range, so I guess that classifies us as a dry heat. Whatever...

Just as I was turning off the Interstate, Pauline called and asked me to stop by on the way, she had some more vegetables for us. Tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, green peppers, what could be better? It is so nice living out here where the neighbors actually know one another (and we have each others telephone numbers). Everyone watches out for each other as well. Nice and quiet out here in paradise.

The broody chicken is still broody, and we have this relationship of resignation; she seems to put up with me aggravating her, and I put up with trying to get her off her nest at every chance. Still not sure which of us will give up first. The girls are producing only about three eggs a day right now, but with this heat, who can blame them. It is too hot to be laying eggs. Here is a pic of one of the Veras doing what she does best; NOTHING!
Oh, and by the way, as I was leaving for the office this morning, I saw a skunk up by the front of the property. I think there is a skunk nest under the big red barn. Every now and then it is more obvious than other times. I'm just sayin'.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOUDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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