After breakfast, I was back out in the yard doing a little this-and-that and Miguel arrived. We went to work building a pen/corral kind of thing out of portable fence panels (in anticipation of the upcoming shots/worming, etc to be conducted this Friday). I had four panels, and when I lured the cattle into that corral, it was entirely too small for the them; in fact, Mr. Speckles was so irritated that he picked up one of the calves with his horns and unceremoniously deposited him in another section of the corral. SO, we were off to Taylor to the Tractor Supply to buy more panels. The size of the corral is double what it was, and I will see later in the week if that is large enough or not.
After this part of the day (Of course, there was a trip into Georgetown to visit the Dairy Queen), Miguel and I tried to organize the feed barn, and then we worked the bees. Miguel is a little bit leery of the bees, but he was not afraid once he got the bee suit on. We worked the three producing hives, and they are miking honey, just not as quickly as I had expected they would be. We will still get a nice bit of honey this year, at least one pull, hopefully two.
We also moved the newest chicks from the cardboard box into a bigger pen, and they are doing nicely. They are really kind of frisky, so we will have to be paying attention to them. I have a small cardboard box in there with them to use as a little protection (my little idea of a cave if they want some security when they are sleeping), but they are jumping up on the box and trying to get out of the pen. Little rascals!
I will be teaching Monday and Tuesday, and finished doing my reviews for both days later this afternoon. I will review the second day again tomorrow evening, but all is good, and I don't expect any challenges. Board meeting on Wednesday and a luncheon, and some power real estate on Thursday and Friday.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHORES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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