Saturday, May 12, 2012

2012 - Day 133/233 - Saturday...

A perfectly wonderful day. I did very little of anything today.

I did go and pick up my car from the dealership. It has one new tire and another tire on order. The oil in the generator was changed, so I will have to do that again in about another 45,000 miles.

If you get stung one time while you are cutting the grass, it is an indication that you should suit up. I heeded the warning and put on my bee suit before I continued. There were no more incidents, and that was a good thing.

Jody and I went into Georgetown and went to Chic-Fil-A for lunch, where the server dumped Jody's milk shake in my lap. She said 'I knew I was going to do that' which left me a little bit befuddled. Maybe should should have had a better grip. Anyway, only the whipped cream got on my jeans, so it was really not a big deal.

We headed off to Catfish Parlor for dinner and Ruby and Chris met us over there. It was fun to see them and we all cut up at the table.

This is a photo of one of the rose bushes outside the garage. It is doing very nicely this year. Most of the plants in the ground are recovering from the last two hard seasons. So far this month we have had a couple inches of rain, so that will tide everything over for at least another couple weeks. Oops! Wrong picture. What I meant to say was, this is one of the orange and red cannas in from of the house. The leaves of this particular species reminds me of ginger plants. That is what I meant to say...

Deeds, Actions, Changes, SHAKES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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