Monday, May 21, 2012

2012 - Day 142/224 - Monday...

The magic of Buddleia, and why butterflies can’t resist it. Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) is a shrub-like plant that looks sort of like a compact lilac, grows quickly and blooms in mid-summer. But the name tells you all about it: Butterflies just can't resist the flowers, and flock to the plants when they're in bloom.

It’s been a sensation in American gardens for years, and no wonder. Butterfly bush is easy to grow, blooms profusely, and has that magical quality: Butterflies can't resist it.

Here's why: It's not just the pretty flowers that attract the butterflies, like so many other bright blooms. Buddleias emit a special honey-scented fragrance that lures butterflies like a moth to a flame, and then once there, they find the flowers super-rich in nectar.

A butterfly bush in the garden will often be seen with a mass of butterflies on the flowers, especially during hot sunny afternoons. Buddleias attract other insects too, like moths, and the reddish ones strongly attract hummingbirds. So it's more than a name; it's actually a botanical phenomenon.

And the bees like it too. Unfortunately, in many parts of the country, it is considered to be a noxious weed, and it is VERY invasive. BUT, probably every garden should have one, you just have to be ready to stay in control!

Not too bad for a Monday, I actually got caught up on most of the work I put off from last week, and tried my best to stay up to date with the work that came in today as well.

I have to take my car in for service tomorrow, and that is expected to take three or four days. It is always fun to drive a different car when mine is in the shop and it takes the new car bug off my radar.  Just driving a different car for a while is interesting. I have to clean out the car this evening or first thing in the morning, because I am having the car detailed while they have it. Fresh as a flower!!!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, BUTTERFLIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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