Tuesday, September 4, 2012

2012 - Day 248/138 - Tuesday...

Well, actually, today was kind of like a Monday Squared.  DOUBLE the challenges and opportunities to make myself a better person by being kind and hospitable and understanding to all those around me.  I am truly sorry that they were all having such a difficult time of it, and I can only hope that I was able to bring a little bit of sunshine and happiness into their otherwise dreary and pathetic existence.  Whatever...

Here is a blast from the (my) past for you.  This is a rare and otherwise not highly publicized copy of my High School Graduation photo.  Yes, I actually do remember where I was when man first walked on the moon, but shortly after I entered college and the next decade and a half is kind of fuzzy.  In a good way!  I have always kind of thought of myself as a trend setter, and I majored in fraternity in college.  I was there for a while with little to show for it but some killer Spades strategies.  I don't have a tremendous amount of recall until about the middle 80's when I finally hit Austin.  And I don't even miss it.  But the fact that I made it to Austin and then became reformed is kind of a weird thing in itself.  Curiouser and Curiouser...

Today was a day that was totally filled.  BUT, I got a lot of good work done, and that is an accomplishment. Tomorrow will be another busy day, and I will tell you all about it.  Same time, same station...

Deeds, Actions, Changes, DON'T BOGART THAT..., Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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