I am a really happy man right now. On Monday (I think) Hubert cut the grass in the fields and today he (not sure if Pauline was out there) raked and now they are baling. I think I saw Pauline, and I know Michael was out there helping with the baling. YIPPEE! I will definitely have more hay bales at the end of the day than we had at the beginning of the day. I think there is just a little bit of pressure to get the baling done, we are supposed to have rain tomorrow (afternoon I hope), but however it works out, it will all work out. No worries. We have great neighbors, and we are all lucky folks.
This morning I spoke before a group of Chinese business people who were visiting Austin, the Sino-Texas Business Exchange. That was the first time I have ever spoken to a group of people and required an interpreter (on purpose). Sometimes I need an interpreter, but not because of any language barrier. Tomorrow this group is heading to Washington, DC to continue their experiences. They were very kind and gracious, and I was humbled by their warm reception to our Board.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HUMP DAY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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