One more thing...not only is today Memorial Day, it is Monday, which means Antiques Roadshow is on. I need t type more quickly, who cares about accuracy?
Along those same is a capsule of my day. Although I did not get out of bed while it was occurring, there was a cat fight (or some kind of fight) outside our bedroom windows (if this display or feline vocal chords was not outside the windows, they were bigger cats than I am thinking) at EXACTLY 4:25 this morning. Perfect! As I said, I did not get up, and in fact I stayed in the bed until after six o'clock. Got up, checked e-mails, made coffee, read the paper, made a pile of eggs (does any of this sound familiar?) and then I went outside to pull (select) weed off the berm where the storm shelter is. I go most of them up by the roots, some of them broke off and some of them are still there and I intend t decapitate them with the machete later in the week. I stopped for a while, came inside to take a nap and it started to rain, so that was the end of that. It takes very little for me to stop pulling weeds, and I am easily distracted.
It rained most of the day, and so far we have received 1.05" in the gauge. We will take it! Happy to have it. The pastures will produce a little bit more grass, and we should get at least one more cutting of hay before the end of the year, two more (at least) if we are lucky. I have not been back to check the tanks, but I imagine they have a little bit more water in them than they had. Today's rainfall gives us 4.98" for the month, thank you very much.
The kids in Georgetown had school today to make up for one of the snow days back during he winter. They voted on it (the parents voted on it), the choices were Good Friday, Memorial Day, a day of Spring Break o add a day to the end of the year. They chose Memorial Day, but if you did not go to school today, it was an automatic excused absence. Hmmm.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, SALUTE,Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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