I have this new computer figured out. I like it overall, I am not even opposed to the Windows 8 system (which only goes to show you what a remarkable and incredibly open mind I have, ready to try new things), BUT every time I want t make a journal entry, I have to jump through a bunch of hoops and try to remember how I did it, and then I have to try to remember how to reverse it. It is not too much trouble...yet.

Jody and I had chores to do today, which included sleeping a little later than usual, Jody took the boy dog for a walk, we took the boy dog for a ride and then we headed in to Austin. On the way, we stopped at he Berry Creek park so Jody could feed the mules a couple treats. The Indian Blankets and the poppies are really blooming nicely (the blankets are beginning to look a little bit dry), and I took this photo of the poppies for you to enjoy. They are delightful. Jody is expecting a good year for cactus blossoms as well, and I will keep you posted. I am thinking tomorrow will be more floral offerings, and next week I ail post some DC flowers. I am always surprised to see the flowers blooming in DC, especially thing that I remember when I was growing up outside Detroit, things that cannot tolerate the sun and heat of Texas. I miss Hollyhocks!
Tomorrow will be chores day around the house. I need to move hay bales that were baled early last week, cut a little bit of grass, clean the chicken coop and check on the cattle. The cattle are pretty low maintenance right now, they have benefited from the little bits of rain we had which helps the grasses grow so they can graze on that and not need to be fed. There is still water in the tanks as well, so they are not needing city water. All in all, life is good, and I continue to be the luckiest man in the world!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, LUCKINESS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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