I always cry at movies, and today was no exception. We had a sales/staff/office meeting this morning, and we went to see Maleficient. It was good, I cried. I can cry during commercials, and I have. I cry at the YouTube crap that is posted on Face Book. I cry at those commercials the ASPCA pouts out (I can't decide if I am crying about the animals or Sally Struthers, or is that another set of commercials?). Anyway...I give it an okay recommendation, the special effects were good, and it was interesting. Not sure if it will be award material or not. The twenty minutes of previews look promising though. I have a pretty good idea what the popular costumes will be this Halloween!
And then there was work to do. I worked before and after the movie, and I am actually pretty well caught up with things. Another month comes to an end, and another month begins.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MALEFICENT, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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