Monday, November 10, 2014

2014 - Day 314/51 - Monday...

I'm back!  After terrorizing folks in another state, I am back at the edge of nowhere (that is further than the middle of nowhere) and happily ensconced at my desk.  It was a toss-up as to whether I wanted to get this photo, but there was no reason not to.  It is always a challenge when I am told there is nothing I can poke, prod or push that will cause any problems, and I always delight at the pilots face when I say "What about this one?".  I was cautioned today about one particular pair of throttles or thrusters that I should avoid at all costs.  FINALLY I know what to go for the next time!

Aside from the information I received at the Annual NAR Conference, and the networking with colleagues and the observations of the NAR Directors (again) in action, I also had the opportunity to visit a few places I lived while I was living in New Orleans, and last night (for the first time in almost three decades) I walked the Quarter with my friends Barb and Steve.  We visited the Hotel I used to work at (How are you today Sir?  Not as good as you!), did even more laughing and cutting up, and I had a really good Seafood Platter at Café Pontabla on St. Peter Street, home of the WORST.  KEY LIME.  PIE.  EVER!  Did you know pedi-cabs charge by the block, per person.  That was an awakening!  I should have been keeping up.

But, overall, it was fun, educational, motivating and totally worth it.  But I am glad to be home!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, HOME, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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