I moved eight bales of hay this morning before breakfast. That might not sound like an accomplishment to most of you, but these bales were down the road in Randy's waterway. Basically, grass cut along the side of the neighbor's road in the ditch. In my city-boy kind of world, any kind of incline or decline on a tractor is a path to destruction, and in this case, it was my own destruction. I moved these bales early this morning so in case I did something extraordinarily stupid, there would not be too many witnesses. 13.4 miles per hour with 3,000 pounds of hay bales (total front and back) seems like about 150 miles an hour if you do not do this for a living. Anyway, i got those bales stored, came in and cooked a pile of eggs and went out and got the rest out of the front pasture. Combined with the bales from Randy, we got 125 bales with this cutting, and we expect to get another cutting before the season is over. We have a lot of hay, and so does everyone else around us. With rain comes hay, with no rain comes no hay.
Other than moving hay, about the only productive thing I did today was to get the chicken coop cleaned out. Jody and I went to Olive Garden for dinner tonight. I remember pretty clearly what I ordered, but I have no idea what they delivered to my table, and (therefore) I have no idea what I ate for dinner. Whatever it was, it was in a dish that was totally inappropriate for the food, but we did bring home the leftovers. I am thinking of taking it into the Medical Examiners office in the morning to see if thy can figure out what it is/was. See if this helps: It was red and beige. That's all I got.
The coming week is not looking to be as busy as some, but there are plenty of things on my schedule. Try as I might, I continue to be over-scheduled.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HAY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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