Can you believe it is the last day of July already? AND Friday to boot! Not much that could be better than that! How long is it till Christmas?

We have had some concerns (I was worried) about the girl cat lately. We had not seen her in several days, there was some thoughts that she had not eaten the dry food we set out for her (she is very dainty and neat with her table manners) and most recently the dry food was strewn all about. Then for the last two nights she had not eaten wither the dry food OR the moist food. I had decided last night that I would only put out the dry food and see if it was consumed over night. As I was placing her food out on the protected back deck, there she was, bigger'n Dallas, waiting patiently outside the gate. So, I quickly fixed her plate of most food and put it out for her. Bottom line, she ignored the moist food. My recommendation; do not waste your money on "shredded" cat food. When I told Jody last night the the girl cat was eating the dry food and ignoring the moist food, he asked if it was the "shredded" food, and that our indoor cat (Missy, now deceased) would not eat it either and he bought it accidentally. Face facts, if a domesticated cat (albeit one with a discerning palate) will not eat it and a wild barn cat (who alternately survives on rodents, baby rabbits and lizards) won't eat it, it is not a difficult conclusion that it is not fit for feline consumption.
The girl dog seems not to take issues with it, though.

In the early days of this journal (about seven years ago or so), it was not unusual for me to include multiple photos in each entry. Two or three photos were not uncommon. My entries have become more compact, and I cannot remember the last time I included more than one photo. Today is a special day though, because as I mentioned to you (gentle readers) in my post yesterday, I got some very special photos at our State Capitol yesterday. This is a photo far up in the building, between the inside dome and the outside dome. Very, very interesting. Maybe one or two more before you get bored with it, we shall see.
We actually had a trace of rain today. I accumulated about a dozen drops of rain on the windshield today on two different trips, and there was evidence of rain drops on the dusty mail box up at the road. I fear that will be it for the day, and we will end the month dangerously lacking in the precipitation department.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DROPLETS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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