Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016 - Day 13/353 - Wednesday...

I got home early enough this afternoon to do a couple things around the front of the house, chicken-wise. I cleaned out their feeder, put out some feed and a new flock-block. Ever since the episodes with the chicken-killing dogs, they have not been that sociable, and the egg production has suffered. It has been about a month since any chicken demises, and Vera (my fave) was being nosy when I was putting out the feed. She was just a little bit skittish, but she decided she would let me give her some rubbin' and agreed to a selfie with me. Life (if you are a chicken) is getting back to normal out here on the edge of nowhere.

It is confirmed; there is ANOTHER cat hanging around, this one is the Calico one (I might have mentioned the other night). She (we assume) was hanging around a couple nights ago (the girl dog had her up a tree), she was meowing this morning, and I put out some cat food for her this evening (some of the food Barney refuses to eat), and there was no hesitation to chow-down. She is not particularly timid, I was within a foot or two of her, and she did not run off. I will provide the appropriate photo documentation of the event tomorrow.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, ANOTHER CAT, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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