Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016 - Day 9/357 - Saturday...

I made a call to check on the availability of firewood, and had an appointment to pick it up this morning at 9 o'clock. Considering that the winds changed (or charged) and there were TWO cold fronts that came through today, I think I was acting particularly boy-scoutish with my advance planning. I don't like to wait till the last minute, and I like to plan in advance for stuff. There is now a nice fire going in the stove, and the stove was cleaned out earlier, since we let last weeks fire die down since it was 70 degrees yesterday. Now it is in the low 40s and the wind is out of the north at about 100 MPH, and we are all comfy-cozy.

Jody and I also made a pilgrimage to IKEA today, along with the rest of the population of central Texas. It was crazy, but we looked at what we wanted to look at and found the short-cuts outta there so we did not have to traipse through the whole place.

Stopped at Target on the way home, then had lunch and now trying to determine exactly what it is that could be causing me sporadic pain on the opposite side of where the appendix should be. Who knows, but whatever it is, I expect I will survive it.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, FIREWOOD, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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