Wednesday, March 16, 2016

2016 - Day 76/290 - Wednesday...

I had an appointment to get my hairs did this afternoon, I think the new look is real stylish. What do you think?

It was a good day of doing office stuff today, amazing how much stuff you can get done when you put your head down and just do it.

And then there was the traffic challenge on the way home. Yesterday it took me 40 minutes to go about a mile and a half. This afternoon, it took me a little longer than that to go a little less that that. In case you are interested, the horn works on the rental car I am driving. I was smart enough not to put the car in park and confront the 'out-of-state' drivers that were cutting in front of me, flicking cigarette butts out their car windows, and 'blocking the box' at major intersections. It is not like me to try and remain calm, but I did, and I expect my health to be affected by that shortly.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, HAIRS DID, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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